22 April 2019

3 Quick Ways To Update Your Home This Bank Holiday

Have fun this Bank Holiday with a speedy home makeover. Here are three creative ways to refresh your home this weekend. Is it even a Bank Holiday if you don't do a DIY?

1. Kerb Appeal

It's a great time of year to give your front door a makeover. Start by applying a fresh coat of your current colour or go for a brand new one. Next, try a new knocker or door number to complete the revamp.

2. The Write Stuff

Get your creative juices following by framing your favourite postcards or greeting cards. Hang these above a desk for maximum inspiration. Or use a wipeable marker pen to doodle designs onto a blank glass frame filled with white paper.

3. Tray Chic

Give an old tea tray a new lease of life by covering the bottom with an off-cut of beautiful wallpaper. Using PVA glue and a credit card to smooth the paper down, you have completely transformed an object within a few minutes.

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